Saturday, January 5, 2008

A prologue to something I probably will never finish.

I was born in the middle of my life. Or at least that’s what my conscience kept telling me. Some might say I’m a child, some might strike me as a fool, some never listen to me, and others? Well, they are simply just others; there is not much to say about them. Now that we’ve met there is something you should probably know about me. Just when I think I’ve got the world all figured out turns out, I have absolutely NOTHING figured out. And I guess that’s one of my many – Well, some people call them flaws or faults. But lets be honest, it doesn’t matter what you call them. Call them whatever you want. I might come off as a complicated person, but that’s only because I’m human like everyone else. Who’s to really say? Actually, someone told me that, and sometimes I force myself to believe it. But to be honest, it contradicts to what I actually believe in. What do I believe in you probably asked yourself? Well, I don’t know yet. But I know were not all human. I’m trying to figure out the world remember?

Anyways, my dad died when I was 14, and all that was left, was my mom. She’s the only one I had, and according to some other events that took place later on, I lost her too. I mean, she was still there physically, but mentally and spiritually there, she was gone. I’d explain these “events” but it would take up too much time. So anyways, after my dad died, we had to move to another country and so that’s exactly what we did. I’ll never forget these moments in my life when I struggled, and cried, and had the most meaningful thoughts in my mind I hadn’t had in quite some time. But I can say that I never did I actually feel the emotion – fear. As far as I knew, fear wasn’t in my vocabulary and it wasn’t planning on seeping its way in any time soon.

I’m suppose to come out as a protagonist in this story, but it may surprise you, like it surprised me that I come off as an antagonist against whom other than myself. I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been here and I’ve grown more than a sunflower could ever grow. But, a wise man once said that you have to make the best of things, no matter how difficult or how easy it is, I was put in this situation for a reason, and that’s that. I knew he was a wise man because he actually told me he was. (Ha-ha.) I’m probably a little naïve to listen to a man who calls himself a wise man, but I don’t know why I did.

According to the world everything happens for a reason…

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